Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wilson's New Cast

He was acting like such a nut this morning...

Wilson had the splint on for one week, and will have this full-arm cast on for three weeks. After that the doctor will put on a shorter cast for one or two weeks and then he should be done!

(See January 11 posting for the full story!)

Construction Progress...Part 5

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Construction Progress...Part 4

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mama's Boys are Growing Up!

We took this group shot after the Family Day dinner in January.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Construction Progress...Part 3

The snow can't decide to come or go this year!
Personally, I like it snowy and cold...much less mud that way!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Maaammmaaa...I broke my arm!

I was mindlessly going through a typical morning routine when I heard Wilson's panic-struck voice, "Maaammmaaa...I broke my arm!" Yikes! How do you prepare yourself for that? I took a deep breath as he came around the stairway corner. Praise God that it was not a bloody mess! His arm resembled a horseshoe between his wrist and elbow (displaced fracture), but I think God knew that neither Wilson nor I would have handled anything very gory.

Thankfully, Mike was home that day because I can't fit all seven kids in our van. As I yelled/screamed for Mike that I needed to go, I called Bryan at work so he could meet us at the ER in Ionia. The adventure of that day began around 9 am as we headed to the hospital, and we didn't get home until just after 11 pm that night! After x-rays and some much needed morphine, the hospital sent us on to Grand Rapids around noon to see a pediatric specialist.

The doctors told us that Wilson was going to need surgery and because of the instability of the fracture site (mid-fore arm) it was likely that the surgeon would need to insert pins to keep the two broken bones stable. Praise God! When he FINALLY went in for surgery around 6:30 pm the surgeon came out 30 minutes later and told us that he was confident that Wilson's arm would heal properly without invasive surgery because the bones went back together beautifully. So his surgery turned into a "closed reduction" procedure and Wilson was discharged around 9:30 pm.

It took a couple of days for that sad look to disappear!

He is adjusting quite well, and will go in next
week for his plaster cast.

All of this from a simple fall off a chair in his bedroom!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sweet Dreams, Bryanna...

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Bryanna @ 4 months old

Monday, January 07, 2008


In case you didn't know, Themasia, is the name of BRYAN's snake! I will admit that (as far as snake's go) it is a pretty colored snake, but not exactly what I wanted to see in the boy's bedroom window after church. However, at least I could see it! I believe this has been the 5th successful escape attempt by this 5 foot corn snake, and every other time it has been missing in action anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days.
I had no idea raising boys (and marrying a snake lover) could bring such drama!!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Construction Progress...Part 2